Saturday, June 11, 2011

I am driving a death machine

I'm pretty certain at this point my wheel bearings are about to fall off or something because my car's steering capabilities are awful to say the least. I just arrived in the outskirts of Toronto (over crazy narrow bridges and eight lane freeways) and will be interviewing Natalie tomorrow morning. On Monday I will take my car to a shop because it appears that no mechanic in Canada works on the weekends. If the situation looks bad (i.e., expensive) I will try to sell the car while it still (kind of) works and continue across the country by thumb, ride share, and/or bus.

I am hoping to make it to Chicago mid day on Monday. In reality, it will probably be more like Tuesday.

In other news, apparently it looks suspicious if you're sitting in your car typing on a computer because a cop just approached me and asked me what I was doing. I explained that I was lucky enough to be picking up a wifi signal (lucky because I didn't have Natalie's physical address yet-I do now). After he looked at my id's (passport and driver's license) looked at me, looked again at the id's and looked again at me, I told him about what I was writing: my car falling apart and its wheels coming off. He gave me back both my id's and said, "Okay, well have a good night," and left. Huh, problems make cops leave. True enough, I suppose, since most of my bad cop encounters came from moments when I was doing just fine.

I guess some Canadians have picked up the American government ideology: "If it ain't broke fix it 'til it is," and if it is broken then leave it before you have to fix it.

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